Terpenes Profile
Total Terpenes
Terpenes are quantified using Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry.
D-Limonene | 0.33% |
beta-Caryophyllene | 0.16% |
alpha-Pinene | 0.15% |
beta-Pinene | 0.12% |
Linalool | 0.11% |
beta-Myrcene | 0.1% |
alpha-Humulene | 0.07% |
Camphene | 0.03% |
beta-Ocimene | 0.03% |
Caryophyllene Oxide | 0.03% |
alpha-Bisabolol | 0.03% |
delta-3-Carene | 0.02% |
para-Cymene | 0.02% |
Eucalyptol | 0.02% |
gamma-Terpinene | 0.02% |
Terpinolene | 0.02% |
trans-Nerolidol | 0.02% |
alpha-Terpinene | 0.01% |
cis-Nerolidol | 0.01% |
Not detected: alpha-Ocimene, Isopulegol, Geraniol, Guaiol |
Percentage data represents weight percentage of sample as received by MCR Labs. This report and all information herein shall not be reproduced except in its entirety without the expressed consent of MCR Labs. Results may vary. Results are only for the sample supplied to MCR Labs.