Holistic Hemp Solutions Salve Base 500Erva

549.99 mg

Total Cannabinoids

56700.0 mg (56.7g)

Serving Size
Tested 07/08/2021 for Potency & Safety by MCR Labs Massachusetts


  mg per serving percent by mass
Total Cannabinoids 549.99 mg 0.97%
CBD 532.98 mg 0.94%
CBC 17.01 mg 0.03%
Not detected: Δ9-THC, CBN, CBNa, THCa, CBDa, CBDva, Δ8-THC, CBG, CBGa, THCv, THCva, CBDv, CBCa, CBL, CBLa, CBCv, CBT


Microbiological Contaminant Screen

Amount Detected
Total Viable Aerobic Bacteria <100 CFU/g
Total Yeast & Mold <100 CFU/g
Total Coliform Bacteria <100 CFU/g
Total Bile-Tolerant Gram Negative Bacteria <100 CFU/g
STEC Negative
Salmonella Negative

Mycotoxin Screen

Amount Detected Limit of
Limit of
Aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1, G2) & Ochratoxin A Not Detected 20 ppb 66 ppb

Percentage data represents weight percentage of sample as received by MCR Labs. This report and all information herein shall not be reproduced except in its entirety without the expressed consent of MCR Labs. Results may vary. Results are only for the sample supplied to MCR Labs.

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